September 2008

………..the death of a star is visable long before you detect it’s origin

…..I am in deep, unable to sleep thoughts at large about the bounty of the everyday. Craving the simple of the everyday-and being ohsobored by it at the same time.  AND not so sure I am all that pleased with the unrest that lingers.  Usually, the unrest in my life is a sure sign that change is on the way(which I crave)-even if I don’t go out seeking the change-by gosh-when least expected- there change will be grabbing at my throat.   Currently I am in the mood for things I know should not even be on the radar-but there they are- clawing in a “hey that feels kinda good”  way.  An unexpected remedy to my deep itch-is to do nothing-but I don’t do nothing well.  Forward motion, movement-keep things from sticking.  Stir the pot. I am also in the mood to not deal with things I know I should be dealing with -because the other things in this particular chapter in my book of life are just too shitty….way too overpowering.  The other night I dreamed my mother knocked on my door and told me she was leaving.  “Not to worry: she said.  She would be leaving and it was really ok.  Hint:  leaving this world-not leaving the house.  She was very clear-she was very matter of fact.  She was OK.   And by the way, could I just, somehow, explain this all to my brothers-and tend to all the details that noone else will aknowledge?  In the dream , she lit another cigarette and faded out with the smoke.  That was it- she was gone.  No one tells you that in understanding the death of your mother-and watching her will that very fact into being-will be the exct time you learn more about your mother than you ever thought possible.  And not all of it will be good.

My mother.  More southern than I ever thought possible.  She is a marvel.  She is Marjory Morningstar, Pollyanna and Melanine (from Gone with the Wind), in a blender.  With her paticular brand of dementia (pleasant dementia-which somehow I am sure she willed as well) and her terminal diagnosis- she is blissfully in the moment.  Her ever present-however fleeting moments.