Smack Down!

Sarah Palin VS Octuplet spewing new mom

Jessica Simpson VS. Anyone…….y’all. And stop calling her fat.

CEO of Wells Fargo or (Fill in the blank of any uber bank we just bailed out) VS A room full of people who have lost everything. And let’s put Bernie whatshisname in there too for good measure.

Any “star” from the 80’s pleading for a “kick-start” to their career by starring on a reality show and shaming themselves back into therapy VS.  Any actor out of NYU waiting tables.  Still.

Nancy Grace VS Anyone.  Just anyone at all.  She does not give a shit who she confronts or what she says to them.  In the name of justice.  And her twins.

The Fall River Policeman VS All the parents( myself included) attending the soccer game, he ticketed last Saturday morning in the course of one hour- at the Omniplex.  I refuse to pay the ticket just on principal alone.

East Rd VS. All the idiots who continue to push 80 rounding the curve heading towards Four Corners. Accident number 6 last night in the same 25 foot stretch of road.  Kid ran right into a parked Cox Communications truck.  It was snowing.  He was going at least 60.  It’s 35mph.  35!

And while we are on idiots:  That very strange man in the very loud Stephen Kind looking big blue truck who tries to run over people.  He guns it starting at Grays Ice Cream and does not stop until he gets to Lake Rd.   VS The village. They say he is missing. They want him back.  They can have him.

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