Screaming lady is back. The people…. the people. Theymakeamecrazy!!
Must. Gain. Control. Of. The . Vortex…..Things. Coming. At. Me. Mustfindtheway. To. Deal. With things
that are really begining to piss me off.
Good news: I have not voiced my comments to anyone who would listen in the past week. I can play nice and smile and pretend I don’t know what I know and just be there. Just smile Gloria. Let it all go. This is a first for me. Normally, I would plant the seed of my disagreements, just to see if anyone else would bark up the same tree. But no. Either I am finally grabbing at the reigns of adulthood when it comes to things that make me go hmmmmmmmm? OR I am just plum exhausted and do not have the bandwidth nor the inclination to take it all on and let it stew…..
Even better news: Well, this is not entirely true. I was select with my comments. I chose carefully. Even thought some of my thoughts through before uttering one word. I bit my tongue. I chose to let the apple cart stay right where it was.
Not so great news: This of course means, those things I am going to have to say something about ; I mean I just have to, will pack a punch. I feel it coming on….there will no tongue biting for me. I don’t have to play nice. You don’t have to like me. It will be okay.