Things that make me go *?!&@**!!

As previously reported more than once-I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut- especially when I see things blatantly wrong-with situations- and the people who cause them.  I have gotten much better- as previously reported-and have done my best to smile and walk away before I insert my opinion into said situation(s)- or worse, my foot in someone’s ass.

This drives my husband crazy.  And truth be told- my impulse to speak out gets much better when he is around.  He has a quiet and calm way of reminding me to- well,  just shut-up.

“Gloria.  Jst…shh..sto…sh…shush..” and then he gives me that look.

But there are forces at play that are (in Captain Kirk speak) “ma-king-me, losecontrol, I must, try, and control, the im-me-diate, im-pulse to say, what I mean….mean, what….I ..say”

Sorry honey.  I love you madly, but this,this need, is in my DNA.  And it is healthy to get things out in the open.  Even if nobody cares.  So here goes:

How can 6 votes decide on a $700,000 budget cut to a town that can’t afford itself anyway?  6 votes? Didn’t anyone check the bathrooms?

What the hell is merit pay?  A committe decides what teacher gets better pay based on the merit of his or her teaching?  Tell that to the teacher trying to teach a classroom of 25 when 6 of them have extreme behavioral issues. I am all for mainstreaming-but 6 difficult kids in one classroom does not learning make.

Tell that to the teacher who is taking money out of his or her own pocket to afford the students( or that one in particular) things needed to learn.  Or just get through the day.  Merit pay my ass.  I won’t begin to spout my whole sports star vs. teacher pay thing…….next time.

No I am not pro-union.  I am proactive for change and choice.  Of all kinds.

Stop teaching the test.  It is not working.

Doesn’t anyone else realize schools have become the new social welfare system?- and by that I mean schools are now the sub structure providing social needs- the welfare and well-being of students ( and trust me, the needs are ten fold).  How is overall education supposed to compete?

What is going to happen to all those kids who are being raised by Grandparents?  What happens when these kids have children ( and they will) at an early age?  I’ve seen it first hand.  It is a horrific cycle.  And you think there is any higher education going on here?   It is basic survival.  Education is the first to go.  Desparation and a craft for working the system settle in quickly.  And when the Grandma goes and there is no other source of parenting or support- then what?

And while we are on vicious cycles:  When did it become so cool for grown adults to act like complete butt heads?  In the last year, I have encountered one of the most bitter individuals I have ever met-actually, that is not true, I have met many bitter individuals- I seem to attract them.  Anyway-this woman, bitter as the day is long- was in a position to work with students-her own children among them-and she did nothing but teach them to manipulate, lie and do whatever it took to undermine someone else-usually another adult. And worse, she kept her own hands clean and had the students do her dirty work.  AND even worse, she is always, and I do mean always, talking about what a good Christian woman she is. Goes to church every Sunday and smiles. Take responsibility for your own issues and leave God out of it.  Then I met the daughter-and she has turned out just like her mother.  What the hell happened?  Should she get merit pay?  What she really needs is a time out-and lots and lots of mental health help.  There I said it.

A 14% tax rate in a down that just assessed property values at an all time low ( on the average a $100,000 decrease) is just stupid.  A town that does not even have a grocery store.  A town that frowns on new business and positive growth.  Stupid.  Just stupid.

Donald Trump standing up for another air headed blonde who lost her way?  Narcissitic personality at it’s best. Two weeks of nothing but Miss USA as the top story with windblown boob shots and conservative speak.  Thank God my daughter wants to be an artist, or a musician, or a scientist, or a vet….and already sees the value of choice.

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