Real Scripted Reality.

Are we really going the way of reality TV being the real real?  Reality TV shows are the new soap operas. They have replaced daytime dramas with drama all the time.  Carefully unscripted scripted television that appeals to the masses. With breaking news updates.  It should be noted soaps are written for a 6th grade reading level….6th grade.  Bad guy, good girl, change roles, have a crisis,  or an affair, or both, get married( again), find a long lost twin, an evil sister, alter ego, unoperable brain tumor, new love, old flame, rinse, repeat.  Repeat, repeat, repeat. Beautiful people with pregnant pauses, indicating gestures,  speaking simply stated dialouge sprinkled with just the right amount of emotion.  Cue music.

And this is what reality TV is.  Real people pretending to be on a soap opera.  Pine Valley out, small town control freak of a  woman with an overactive uterus in.  She bought in to her own (un) reality and so did everyone one else.  Does it matter what it costs?  Is it really all for ratings?

Who knew drama, carefully crafted to appear even more real than it might be- would be the life so many wanted to live?  And then what?  Unknowns are the new celebrity, teeth whitened, hair highlighted, new identity fitted to a tee.  The new celebrity. Quick with the make-over and the publicity team. Fed to the hungry- ready to build them up, spin it another way and pick them apart.

And then what?

I like my actors real.   I want my story lines written to take me away from the everyday-or to another time-or for an understated genuine laugh. I don’t want to- need to- see a real live dysfunctional family.  Been there,  Done that.

Bring back real tv.

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