August 2009

God Will But I Won’t. Part II

  If you know me at all, you know I am a stickler for hypocritical behavior-and if you have read any past posts, you will know I have written on many acts of blatant downright disgusting hypocrisy.  I will  also confess to be a bit devilish in wanting to expose those who profess one thing and then do another.  Especially if there are children involved and especially times ten if said hypocratic-ee profits off someones loss.  Makes my blood boil.  Funny thing about most of these people who get caught-they simply move on and reinvent themselves.  A bigger, badder, GOD FORSAKEN hypocritical shit head.

For instance:  I worked with a woman at a organization that ran several community based programs.  Upon first glance, she appeared to be fragile, sweet, sickly even, and unassuming; heck, almost shy.  But soon enough, I saw the cracks in her crazy head showing-and that is when the trouble really started.  As soon as she knew I knew- she became a:  domestic abuse victim,  developed a horrific case of Lyme disease and sure enough, one kidney started to fail- miserably.  Excuses. Each and every one.  On top of all this, the poor thing suffered from migraines and when confronted about some mismatching numbers and invoices at a meeting, the gal could cry better than any actress I have ever seen.  She made men do things for her by whining and complaining.  She had a way, that one.  When she started screwing with the theater program, I got really mad.   When I realized she was stealing -cleverly-I’ll give her that-but all the same- stealing  I reported it and no one listened.  She kept stealing and I quit.

Seven months later, low and behold, and after an “internal investigation”, the organziation discovered the gal had her hands in just about all the programs.( funny how it did not matter until if affected the golf tournament) I would of had her for ruining the theater program alone-but that’s just me. And sure enough, not only was poor pathetic kidney failure, migraine ridden cry baby blondie not only stealing from this organization-but others as well. 

Told ya so.

When confronted, she confessed and within a month or so,  she packed up her family, in the middle of the night and moved to some town in Virgina. There is still a for sale sign in front of her house here. The house looks dark and abandoned.  I would like to tell you I don’t hold a grudge, but damn it, I do. No one did anything about it-not one thing.  Shhhhhhh, don’ talk about it-pretend it never happened.

 She has now reinvented herself via a blog she has created: “Good Christian Moms”-complete with her favorite bible ( capital B?) verse.  She believes God has shown her the way, there in Virginia-with all the money she has yet to pay back-including the $1,000 she took from me.  Don’t hold a grudge my ass.

She also has a side business, as a consultant for non-profits.  God forgives her, she says.  God does, but I don’t. God might, but I won’t.