It is not that I mind pop culture. I buy into certain elements that entertain me and certain elements that amuse me. I’ll be the first one say, pop culture has it’s place. But enough already.
I can’t take anymore media manipulation for the sake of ratings-and I miss old news. The kind that told you news of the world. I know. It sounds hypocritical coming from someone who has been in entertainment for so many years to bark about media manipulation- but this was always the side of entertainment I never liked. And most media manipulation is written for a 6th grade reading level these days- just a soap operas always have been. How is that for a parallel?
I want to know my world is evolving and that people are making a difference and , well, hope still thrives. I don’t want to hear sordid sports stories, ad nauseum and learn of one more sex offender out of jail and doing what comes naturally. Should have kept him in jail. Period.
Pop culture thrives and is sustained by the age groups I work with on a daily basis. Middle to high school students. God forbid any nugget of information get past them. They are my radar for what is on the pop culture grid. Or more terrifying-what is not. Forget 15 minutes of fame……this age group can drop a fad in a nanosecond-and pick up another just as quick.