Things I Wish I Could Be Thank-ful For…..

Women who actually wipe the seat off after peeing all over it.

Actual apologies.

Exceptional teachers getting rock star and sports star payment increases.

Lousy teachers who actually get fired.  For good.

Elementary schools that remain elementary until the 6th grade. 

Fine arts accepted beyond just “band” and “chorus”


The end of starvation in my town.

The end of small minds in my town.

A reputable grocery store and positive economic development in my town. ( see above)



Connect and create as opposed to memorize and purge.

Healing wounds.

Meaningful politics…….( I know it does not exist)

Politically correct for the right reasons.

Sarah Palin remains in reality TV and does not become part of the real world.  ever.


The same breaking news that does not last all day.

Truth. ( In everything)

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