Here is what I know: I can tolerate any blood and guts there is to tolerate. I have pulled people out of burning cars while parts of their flesh was still burning. ( it’s true) I have gotten someone from one place ( the Bahamas) to another(Connecticut) when one sneeze left herimmediatly paralyzed from the waist down. (yes, this is true) I have seen a bone break through the skin and witnessed numerous things that left an unshakable imprint in my mind. But when my child is hurting and something is wrong-really wrong, I am reduced to unshakeable fear. I am a wimp and desperate to solve the ache. Do not get in my way.
So when one small bite, damn recluse spider, or whatever it was that left it’s viserated mark there, right behind my child’s right ear, turned into more than one small bite, there was no stopping me. It is one thing to tell your child not to scratch- it is another when she is not able to move her neck to the right anymore…..a torque they call it-and that damn small bite mark has gotten bigger and redder. Oh. And. Fever. Damn fever.
Thank-God for modern medicine. It works. How a mother can take her child and flee to keep him from needed treatment-that she things he does not need- a treatment that could save his life baffles me. Granted, cancer is different than a bite-but the end result should be the same: To find what will make it better. I can respect homeopathic, I can understand alternative forms of healing-but I can not tolerate the “religious will” to do nothing. Who says God says do nothing? What is wrong with these people?
My daughter is better today-because of a modern full grade broadband antibiotic and a doctor who knew better than anyone else what to do. I can exhale. I can sleep better and so can she. Is this the presence of God? Or just my will to do something for my child.