I Am Gloria and I am A Recovering Perfectionist.

It is not easy.  Peeling back the layers of this well seasoned onion is not a task I take on lightly.  Nor is it one I decided to do on a whim.  Joining the ranks of the imperfect is not easy when striving for perfection it is all you have known since you were old enough to know better.  Not that I am being judgemental, mind you.  Maybe even, I sort of envy those who have the ability to look at something, shrug their shoulders and say, “It’ll do.” And be done with it. Just like that. 

I am a woman of lists. Love them. Have been a list maker for a long, long time.  But, if you were to look at my office, you would not see the  typical signs of a type A list making professional.  My office looks more like a blend of chaos and creativity.  Like someone really organized threw up creative juices all over the place.

I am quite sure I started out like this.  Oldest child with ingrained, incredibly strong work ethic.  I started working when I was 14.  Have not stopped since.  But it is not all it’s cracked up to be. I am not super wealthy. I do not live in a big house, I am not surgically enhanced -nor do I get weekly manicures; weekly anything really-unless you count my nap-which is not so weekly as it used to be.   I am not surrounded  by all the droppings of a life lived perfectly.  Truth be told- I am sure I would never trade with the perfect ones.  I find that life to be a few shakes short of a well blended spice.  I am quite happy here in this brand new world of perfectly imperfect.  I find that I really kind of like it.  My perfectly imperfect is okay.  I can live with things that don’t get done.  I can live with the things that don’t and never will get checked off one list or another.

Perfection only gets you so far-and has lasting residual effects.   My dentist says I grind my teeth at night( who knew?) and my doctor says I need to find ways to eliminate some of the stress in my life ( I know)-but I am not convinced these are solely attributed to my years on the path to perfection.  I am not the typical perfectionist.  I’ve seen worse.  But, rather, I have that rare blend of let’s see what happens,mixed in with a pinch of follow the course and dash of path less taken-tied together with lots of paths less taken- and somehow I still got here.  Not in shattered pieces-no not at all.  I know when to be lazy and when to see it all the way to the end.  I know when to stop trying so darn hard-and when to give it just one more go.  I am still learning-painstakenly when to know to back-off and leave it alone.  The scab will help the skin heal.

One Comment

  1. I’m really digging this post – it speaks to me! “Like someone really organized threw up creative juices all over the place.” – I’ve been there; hell I’m there now!! I think I’d like to read this to the teachers in the writing institute and let them use it as a prompt! I’ll include the link to this so they can post their responses here if they’re comfortable doing so! Wise words, friend!

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